Saturday, December 25, 2004

At the Northwest Airlines lounge at Washington's National Airport.

Winter has definely arrived in our Nation's Capital. We had a few chilly days over the past week. A hot water pipe on the second floor failed at a poor solder joint. Fortunately, my hand was four feet from the service cut-off, so there wasn't any water damage.

The new living room furniture showed up on Wednesday. It looks nice; the cats approve, as well.

It looks like baseball will actually return to Washington, DC. a city with the financial and social service problems that DC has needs to plow cash into yet another stadium? It should be evident that the dollars should go to fixing the school system, but that isn't the way it's turning out.

The Montreal Expo's will be renamed the Washington Nationals. It is only a matter of the until the team is renamed the Washington Reagans, just like the airport.

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