An open letter to Representative Connelly.
The Honorable Gerry Connelly
424 Cannon House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Connelly:
I am a resident of Virginia's 11th Congressional District, and ask for your support for a House rule to ban, during the 112th Congress, honorific or celebratory resolutions. These symbolic acts of Congress are a frivolous waste of taxpayer resources, and distract lawmakers from more important pursuits, such as the careful analysis of staff-generated legislation.
I'm aware that many believe these small acts are important for the self esteem of constituents and special interest groups, but its unreasonable to expect taxpayers to expend scarce resources (such as your time and the time of your staff) on such matters.
Congressman Cantor's proposal to ban honorific legislation, reported by the Los Angeles Times on 25 November 2010, deserves your support as we work as a country to bring our budget under control.
Thank you for your time; I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.
Jeffery W. Wilson