Saturday, September 20, 2003

Well, life is pretty much back to normal around Casa de Wilson. Hurricane Isabel whipped through here Thursday night; we lost electrical service about 2200. We were very fortunate -- we didn't lose any trees or have any other property damage. The folks across the street lost the very large conifer that had been growing in their front yard. That tree had been planted nearly 20 years ago by the previous owners.

Electrical service was restored about 1900 yesterday (Friday). There are still a lot of people in North Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia without electrical service, so we were very lucky there, as well.

The federal government was shut down Thursday and Friday, so we've had a little time off to relax and get a few things done around the house.

Today and tomorrow are going to be consumed by dissertation work, and a little cleaning up needed to get the floors done in the three upstairs rooms.

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